Innovation for our future!

We bring new perspectives to your business- let's look together to a better future!

Social Media

IntegrAGE project Facebook site
IntegrAGE project Facebook site
DigiUp 4.0 project Facebook site
DigiUp 4.0 project Facebook site
Trendig project Facebook site
Trendig project Facebook site


Digital Rural
Digital Rural
Improving policies for the promotion of Smart Villages and rural digital transformation SMART Digitisation
Trendig PLUS
Trendig PLUS
Austrian-Hungarian Cooperation and Knowledge Transfer to promote the smoothness of Digital Transformation and Economic Intelligent Specialization among smaller economic operators (Trendig PLUS)
Creation of the Waste Management Competence Center at Pannon University
Creation of the Waste Management Competence Center at Pannon University
2022 1.1.1 KK 2022 00002
Development of digital skills of young people, facing a career choice, focusing on professions related to IT technologies
Back on Track
Back on Track
Promoting the (re)integration of NEETs in rural areas
A practical approach to support the healthy adaptation and integration of 55+ work force into the labour market


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About Pannon Novum

Pannon Novum West-Transdanubian Regional Innovation Non-profit Ltd. was established on 24 January, 2008 to continue the successful work of the West Transdanubian Regional Development Agency in the period of 2004-2007.

Since 2012 our organization has been operating focusing on public activities, relying mainly on international projects and business activities.

Ownership institutions

